MAY 23, 2015

The Archdiocese of San Salvador asked all its priests to celebrate a novena of masses in honor of Blessed Oscar Romero starting on Thursday, March 10 and culminating on Friday, March 18, when the archdiocese will observe the martyr’s memorial this year. The actual memorial, March 24, coincides with Holy Thursday and had to be moved. For those who would like to follow the novena in prayer, here are the corresponding meditations from Día a Día con Monseñor Romero, which you can use for your reflections.
Day I (Thursday, March 10)
“The true Christian in El Salvador cannot
ignore these realities, unless one wishes to profess an airy Christianity,
without a reality on earth, a spiritualist Christian with no commitments. It is easy to be that kind of Christian, out
of touch with the living reality. But to
live the Gospel, which according to the Eternal Father must be done heeding
Christ … to live it in the framework of our existence, that is what creates
conflicts, but that is what makes the preaching of the gospel and the life of
every Christian an authentic one.” (February
19, 1978 Homily.)
Our Father, Hail Mary and Gloria.
Day II (Friday, March 11)
“The Church does not agree with any form of
violence—neither that which springs forth as the fruit of repression nor that
which represses in such barbaric ways.
She simply calls to understanding, to dialogue, to justice, and love.”
(March 19, 1978 Homily.)
Our Father, Hail Mary and Gloria.
Day III (Saturday, March 12) (Fr. Rutilio
“When we see Christ bearing his cross aloft,
we perceive that it is the people also carrying their cross. When we see Christ, crucified, with his arms
extended, we perceive that it is the crucified people; but a people who, though
they are crucified and humiliated, see their hope in Christ.” (March 19, 1978 Homily.)
Our Father, Hail Mary and Gloria.
Day IV (Sunday, March 13)
“This is the great illness of the world
today: not knowing how to love.
Everything is selfishness, everything is exploitation of man by
man. Everything is cruelty,
torture. Everything is violence,
repression. One man will burn the house
of his brother, another man imprisons his brother and tortures him. So many abuses are committed by brothers
against brothers. Jesus, how you must
suffer this night seeing the environment of our country of so many crimes and
cruelties. I think I am looking at a
saddened Christ at his Paschal table looking at El Salvador and saying: I had
asked you to love one another as I had loved you.” (March 23, 1978 Homily.)
Our Father, Hail Mary and Gloria.
Day V (Monday, March 14)
“Victories amassed with blood are hateful
victories. Victories won by brute force
are animalistic ones. The victory that
wins out is the victory of faith. The
victory of Christ, who did not come to be served, but to serve.” (March 25, 1978 Homily.)
Our Father, Hail Mary and Gloria.
Day VI (Tuesday, March 15)
“The Church cannot be deaf or mute before the
clamoring of millions oppressed by slavery, for liberation. But she tells them which is the true liberation
we must seek: the one inaugurated on this earth by Christ when he rose from the
dead and he tore the chains of sin, of death, and of hell.” (March 26, 1978 Homily.)
Our Father, Hail Mary and Gloria.
Day VII (Wednesday, March 16)
“Christian commitment is very demanding. Above all, our priestly and episcopal
commitment obligates us to go out to encounter the wounded person along the way.”
(April 2, 1978 Homily.)
Our Father, Hail Mary and Gloria.
Day VIII (Thursday, March 17)
“We need to overcome the indifference of so many
who situate themselves as mere spectators before this awful situation,
especially in the fields. We have to
combat the selfishness found within those who do not want to give from what is
theirs so the others will have enough.
We have to find once again the great evangelical truth that we have to
serve the poor majorities.” (April 2,
1978 Homily.)
Our Father, Hail Mary and Gloria.
Day IX (Friday, March 18)
“To serve is to sacrifice oneself.” (April 2, 1978 Homily.)
Our Father, Hail Mary and Gloria.