- Point of view
- The thesis of the blog (Spanish)
- Five year report
- Color coded canonization status guide (Spanish)
- Amber alert
- Announcement
- Description (Spanish)
- Beatification Chronology (Spanish)
- 2006 General Status Report
- 2007 Beatification outlook
- 2008 Beatification outlook (Spanish)
- 2011 Beatification outlook
- U.S. Embassy Analysis
- 2006 Round-up (Spanish)
- Top 10 of 2007
- Top 10 of 2008
- Top 10 of 2010
- Pope at Westminster Abbey
- 31st anniversary (2011, Spanish)
- Obama visit announcement (Italian)
- Obama's visit
- Obama visiti analysis
- 2011 Vatican visits
- Romero Lives, 2011
1. Biography
- Childhood (Spanish)
- Seminary years
- First parish, Anamorós
- His ascetic streak
- His photographs
- Bishop of Santiago de María
- Archbishop of San Salvador
- Rutilio Grande (Italian)
- His "Hospitalito"
- Pilgrimage to Barcelona (Spanish)
- His last recorded words (Spanish)
2. Views/Teachings
- Effectiveness of his preaching (Spanish)
- His preaching style
- Sources (English sermons)
- Works on line
- Reporting on killers (Spanish)
- New perspective on life (Italian)
- His early views (Spanish)
- Card. Pironio's influence (Spanish)
- Fidelity to church doctrine (Spanish)
- Church approval of (Spanish)
- "Conversion"
- Importance of (Spanish)
Communism (Spanish)
- 'Lost' Pastoral letter
- The Archdiocesan Letters (Spanish)
- The "San Salvador Sermon"
- The "One Mass" (Spanish)
- Christmas message (Spanish)
- The Good Shepherd (Spanish)
- The New Covenant (Spanish)
- His final seven sermons
1. The Beatitudes (Spanish)
2. Jesus v. Satan
3. The Transfiguration (Spanish)
4. "Repent"
5. The Promised Land (Spanish)
6. Stop the repression!
7. "Like Christ" (Spanish)
- Last recorded words (Spanish)
-Justice (courts) (Spanish)
- relationships, fidelity:
-Faithfulness to the recent popes
1. Leo XIII (1878-1903) (Spanish)
2. St. Pius X (1903-1914)
3. Benedict XV (1914-1922) (Italian)
4. Pius XI (1929-1939) (Spanish)
5. Pius XII (1939-1958)
6. John XXIII (1958-1963) (Spanish)
7. Paul VI (1963-1978)
8. John Paul I (1978) (Italian)
9. John Paul II (1978-2005)
10. Benedict XVI (2005-present) (Spanish)
- Fidelity to John Paul II (Spanish)
- Audience with John Paul II (Spanish)
- Papal statements about Romero (Spanish)
- Generational sympathies with
- Benedict XVI, similarities with
- Benedict XVI's 'social' encyclical (Spanish)
- All saints day (Spanish)
- St. Paul
- St. John Chrysostom (Spanish)
Terrorism/violence (Spanish)
Violence of Love
- Ascetical theology
- Liberation theology
- Liberation theology, Romero's own (Spanish)
- The Transfiguration
- Liberation theology, Romero's criticism of
- Ecology
-Morality (Spanish)
-Eucharistic adoration
3. Legacy
- Ecumenism
- Jewish relevance
- Commemorations in the Crypt (Spanish)
- Third Secret of Fatima (Spanish)
- UN Tribute
- Compared to Salv. founder (Spanish)
- Romero in art
- Odium fidei
- Motive of assassination
- Assassin's identity
- Miracles (Spanish)
- Decree of Non Cultu (Spanish)
- Orthopraxy, study of
- Orthopraxy, argument
- Fast track causes (Spanish)
Devil's Advocate's case
- John Paul II (Spanish)
Ecclesial considerations:
- Archbishop of San Salv.'s influence (Spanish)
- Cardinals, support among (Spanish)
- Guizar case
- Rosmini case
- Becket case (Spanish)
- Possible visit of Pope (Spanish)
Political considerations:
- Generally (Spanish)
- Evidentiary effect of State Admission
- El Salvador, support (Spanish)
- Venezuela, support
- Salvadoran gov't pressure on Vatican (Spanish)
- Possible visit by Obama
State/civil/criminal investigations
- Canonization vs. state investigation (Spanish)
- Precedence (opinion, Spanish)
- Shooter identified (Spanish)
- Shooter news spreads
- Possible conspiracy (Spanish)
- What beatification would look like
* This index was udpated on Feb. 7, 2011, after our 75th post; on June 17th, 2011, after our 100th post; and on October 21, 2011, after the publication of the Homiliarium.
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