Friday, May 29, 2015

Litterae Apostolicae










Apostolic letter for the Beatification

Apostolic letter



Recognizing the wishes of our brother
José Luis Escobar Alas
Archbishop of San Salvador in America
And of all his other brothers in the episcopate,
In order to fill the hopes of many faithful Christians,
Having consulted the matter with the Congregation for Saints
By virtue of our apostolic authority we authorize that
The Venerable Servant of God
Oscar Arnulfo Romero Galdamez, Bishop and Martyr,
Shepherd after the heart of Christ,
Evangelizer and father of the poor,
Heroic witness of the Kingdom of God,
Kingdom of justice, brotherhood and peace,
henceforth shall be called Blessed
and his feast celebrated
On March 24,
On which he was born to heaven,
In such place according to the mode
established by the law.


In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen


Given in Rome, at Saint Peter's, on May 14,
Feast of St. Matthias, Apostle, of the year two thousand fifteen
The third of my Pontificate.



Carta Apostólica por la Beatificación

Carta Apostólica


Atendiendo al deseo  de nuestro hermano
José Luis Escobar Alas
Arzobispo metropolitano  de San Salvador en América
Y de todos sus demás hermanos en el episcopado,
Para colmar la esperanza de muchísimos fieles cristianos,
Habiendo hecho la consulta del caso a la Congregación  de los Santos
En virtud de nuestra autoridad apostólica facultamos para que
el venerable Siervo de Dios
pastor según el corazón de Cristo,
Evangelizador  y padre de los pobres,
Testigo heroico del Reino de Dios,
Reino de justicia, fraternidad  y paz,
en adelante se le llame Beato
y  se celebre su fiesta
El día veinticuatro de marzo,
en que nació para el cielo,
En el lugar y según el modo
establecido  por el derecho.

En el nombre del Padre y del  Hijo y del Espíritu Santo. Amen


Dado en Roma, junto a San Pedro, el día catorce de mayo,
fiesta de San Matías, Apóstol, del año dos mil quince,
tercero de mi pontificado.



Lettera Apostolica per la Beatificazione

Lettera Apostolica


Riconoscendo il desiderio del nostro fratello
José Luis Escobar Alas
Arcivescovo di San Salvador in America
E di tutti gli altri fratelli nell’episcopato,
Al fine di colmare le speranze di molti fedeli cristiani,
Dopo aver consultato la questione con la Congregazione dei Santi
In virtù della nostra autorità apostolica autorizziamo che
Il Venerabile Servo di Dio
OSCAR Arnulfo Romero Galdámez, vescovo e martire,
Pastore secondo il cuore di Cristo,
Evangelizzatore e padre dei poveri,
Eroico testimone del Regno di Dio,
Regno di giustizia, di fraternità e di pace,
d’ora in poi sarà chiamato Beato
e la sua festa celebrata
Il 24 marzo,
Su quale fu nato al cielo,
In tale luogo secondo la modalità
stabilita dalla legge.


Nel nome del Padre e del Figlio e dello Spirito Santo. Amen.


Dato a Roma, presso San Pietro, il 14 Maggio,
Festa di S. Mattia, Apostolo, dell’anno 2015
Il terzo del mio Pontificato.



Francis’ Letter to the Archbishop of San Salvador


[ANALYSIS (Romero for the Year of Mercy)]
Mons. José Luis Escobar Alas
Archbishop of San Salvador
President of the Episcopal Conference of El Salvador
Dear brother,
The beatification of Mons. Óscar Arnulfo Romero Galdámez, who was pastor of this dear archdiocese, is a reason for great joy for Salvadorans and for all those who enjoy the example of the best sons of the Church. Mons. Romero, who built peace with the power of love, bore witness to the faith with his life given to the extreme.
The Lord never abandons his people in difficulties, and he always shows diligence in their needs. He sees the oppression, hears the painful cries of his children, and comes to their aid to free them from oppression and bring them to a new land, fertile and spacious, “flowing with milk and honey (Ex 3:7-8).” Just as he chose Moses to lead his people in his name, he continues to raise pastors after his own heart, who feed his flock with knowledge and prudence.
In this beautiful Central American country, bathed by the Pacific Ocean, the Lord granted to his Church a zealous bishop who, by loving God and serving his brethren, became an image of Christ the Good Shepherd. In times of difficult coexistence, Mons. Romero knew how to lead, defend and protect his flock, remaining faithful to the Gospel and in communion with the entire Church. His ministry was distinguished by a special attention to the poorest and most marginalized. And in the moment of his death, while celebrating the Holy Sacrifice of Love and Reconciliation, he received the grace of fully identifying with the One who have his life for his sheep.
On this day of celebration for the Salvadoran nation, and also for the beautiful Latin American countries, we give thanks to God because he granted a martyr bishop the ability to see and hear the suffering of his people, and was molding his heart so that, in his name, he will guide and enlighten, to make his work a full exercise of Christian Charity.
The voice of the new Blessed continues to resonate today to remind us that the Church, a gathering of brothers around their Lord, is the family of God in which there can be no division. Faith in Jesus Christ, when it is well understood and is assumed until its final consequences, generates communities who are builders of peace and solidarity. It is to this that the Church in El Salvador, in America and in the entire world is called to today: to be rich in mercy, to become a leaven of reconciliation for society.
Mons. Romero invites us to wisdom and reflection, to respect for life and harmony.
It's necessary to renounce “the violence of the sword, of hatred,” and to live “the violence of love, which left Christ nailed to a cross, which makes each person overcome their egoism and ensures that no such cruel inequalities are among us.” He knew how to see and experience in his own flesh “the egoism that lurks in those who do not want to give up themselves in order to reach others.” And, with the heart of a father, he cared for “the most poor,” asking the powerful to convert their “weapons into scythes for work.”
Those who have Mons. Romero as a friend in the faith, who invoke him as protector and intercessor, who admire his image, finds in him strength and courage to build the Kingdom of God, and to commit to a more equitable and dignified social order.
It is a favorable moment for a true and proper national reconciliation in front of the challenges that currently faced today. The Pope participates with his hopes, he joins his prayers so that the seed of martyrdom flourishes and becomes entrenched by the true paths of the sons and daughters of this nation, which proudly bears the name of the Divine Savior of the world.
Dear brother, I ask you, please, to pray and do pray for me, while at the same time I impart my apostolic blessing to all those who are united in different ways in the celebration of the new Blessed.
The Vatican, May 23, 2015

Carta de Francisco al Arzobispo de San Salvador


[ANÁLISIS (Romero para el Año de la Misericordia)]



Excmo. Mons. José Luis Escobar Alas
 Arzobispo de San Salvador
 Presidente de la Conferencia Episcopal de El Salvador


Querido Hermano:


La beatificación de monseñor Óscar Arnulfo Romero Galdámez, que fue Pastor de esa querida Arquidiócesis, es motivo de gran alegría para los salvadoreños y para cuantos gozamos con el ejemplo de los mejores hijos de la Iglesia. Monseñor Romero, que construyó la paz con la fuerza del amor, dio testimonio de la fe con su vida entregada hasta el extremo.


El Señor nunca abandona a su pueblo en las dificultades, y se muestra siempre solícito con sus necesidades. Él ve la opresión, oye los gritos de dolor de sus hijos, y acude en su ayuda para librarlos de la opresión y llevarlos a una nueva tierra, fértil y espaciosa, que «mana leche y miel» (cf. Ex 3, 7-8). Igual que un día eligió a Moisés para que, en su nombre, guiara a su pueblo, sigue suscitando pastores según su corazón, que apacienten con ciencia y prudencia su rebaño (cf. Jer 3, 15).


En ese hermoso país centroamericano, bañado por el Océano Pacífico, el Señor concedió a su Iglesia un Obispo celoso que, amando a Dios y sirviendo a los hermanos, se convirtió en imagen de Cristo Buen Pastor. En tiempos de difícil convivencia, Monseñor Romero supo guiar, defender y proteger a su rebaño, permaneciendo fiel al Evangelio y en comunión con toda la Iglesia. Su ministerio se distinguió por una particular atención a los más pobres y marginados. Y en el momento de su muerte, mientras celebraba el Santo Sacrificio del amor y de la reconciliación, recibió la gracia de identificarse plenamente con Aquel que dio la vida por sus ovejas.


En este día de fiesta para la Nación salvadoreña, y también para los países hermanos latinoamericanos, damos gracias a Dios porque concedió al Obispo mártir la capacidad de ver y oír el sufrimiento de su pueblo, y fue moldeando su corazón para que, en su nombre, lo orientara e iluminara, hasta hacer de su obrar un ejercicio pleno de caridad cristiana.


La voz del nuevo Beato sigue resonando hoy para recordarnos que la Iglesia, convocación de hermanos entorno a su Señor, es familia de Dios, en la que no puede haber ninguna división. La fe en Jesucristo, cuando se entiende bien y se asume hasta sus últimas consecuencias, genera comunidades artífices de paz y de solidaridad. A esto es a lo que está llamada hoy la Iglesia en El Salvador, en América y en el mundo entero: a ser rica en misericordia, a convertirse en levadura de reconciliación para la sociedad.


Monseñor Romero nos invita a la cordura y a la reflexión, al respeto a la vida y a la concordia. Es necesario renunciar a «la violencia de la espada, la del odio», y vivir «la violencia del amor, la que dejo a Cristo clavado en una cruz, la que se hace cada uno para vencer sus egoísmos y para que no haya desigualdades tan crueles entre nosotros». Él supo ver y experimentó en su propia carne «el egoísmo que se esconde en quienes no quieren ceder de lo suyo para que alcance a los demás». Y, con corazón de padre, se preocupó de «las mayorías pobres», pidiendo a los poderosos que convirtiesen «las armas en hoces para el trabajo».


Quienes tengan a Monseñor Romero como amigo en la fe, quienes lo invoquen como protector e intercesor, quienes admiren su figura, encuentren en él fuerza y ánimo para construir el Reino de Dios, para comprometerse por un orden social más equitativo y digno.


Es momento favorable para una verdadera y propia reconciliación nacional ante los desafíos que hoy se afrontan. El Papa participa de sus esperanzas, se une a sus oraciones para que florezca la semilla del martirio y se afiancen por los verdaderos senderos a los hijos e hijas de esa Nación, que se precia de llevar el nombre del divino Salvador del mundo.


Querido hermano, te pido, por favor, que reces y hagas rezar por mí, a la vez que imparto la Bendición Apostólica a todos los que se unen de diversas maneras a la celebración del nuevo Beato.






Vaticano, 23 de mayo de 2015

Lettera di Francesco all'Arcivescovo di San Salvador


[ANALISI (Romero per l’Anno della Misericordia)]




Eccellentissimo Monsignor José Luis Escobar Alas
 Arcivescovo di San Salvador
 Presidente della Conferenza Episcopale di El Salvador


Caro Fratello,


La beatificazione di monsignor Óscar Arnulfo Romero Galdámez, che è stato Pastore della sua amata Arcidiocesi, è motivo di grande gioia per i salvadoregni e per noi che beneficiamo dell’esempio dei migliori figli della Chiesa. Monsignor Romero, che ha costruito la pace con la forza dell’amore, ha reso testimonianza della fede con la sua vita dedita fino all’estremo.


Il Signore non abbandona mai il suo popolo nelle difficoltà, e si mostra sempre sollecito verso i suoi bisogni. Egli vede l’oppressione, ode le grida di dolore dei suoi figli, e va in loro aiuto per liberarli dall’oppressione e per condurli in una terra nuova, fertile e spaziosa, dove «scorre latte e miele» (cfr. Es 3, 7-8). Come un giorno scelse Mosè affinché, in suo nome, guidasse il suo popolo, così continua a suscitare Pastori secondo il suo cuore, che pascolino con scienza e prudenza il suo gregge (cfr. Ger 3, 15).


In questo bel Paese centroamericano, bagnato dall’Oceano Pacifico, il Signore ha concesso alla sua Chiesa un Vescovo zelante che, amando Dio e servendo i fratelli, è diventato l’immagine di Cristo Buon Pastore. In tempi di difficile convivenza, monsignor Romero ha saputo guidare, difendere e proteggere il suo gregge, restando fedele al Vangelo e in comunione con tutta la Chiesa. Il suo ministero si è distinto per una particolare attenzione ai più poveri e agli emarginati. E al momento della sua morte, mentre celebrava il Santo Sacrificio dell’amore e della riconciliazione, ha ricevuto la grazia d’identificarsi pienamente con Colui che diede la vita per le sue pecore.


In questo giorno di festa per la Nazione salvadoregna, e anche per i Paesi fratelli latinoamericani, rendiamo grazie a Dio perché ha concesso al Vescovo martire la capacità di vedere e di  udire la sofferenza del suo popolo ed ha plasmato il suo cuore affinché, in suo nome, lo orientasse e lo illuminasse, fino a fare del suo agire un esercizio pieno di carità cristiana.


La voce del nuovo Beato continua a risuonare oggi per ricordarci che la Chiesa, convocazione di fratelli attorno al loro Signore, è famiglia di Dio, dove non ci può essere alcuna divisione. La fede in Gesù Cristo, correttamente intesa e assunta fino alle sue ultime conseguenze, genera comunità artefici di pace e di solidarietà. A questo è chiamata oggi la Chiesa a El Salvador, in America e nel mondo intero: a essere ricca di misericordia, a divenire lievito di riconciliazione per la società.


Monsignor Romero c’invita al buon senso e alla riflessione, al rispetto per la vita e alla concordia. È necessario rinunciare alla «violenza della spada, quella dell’odio» e vivere «la violenza dell’amore, quella che lasciò Cristo inchiodato a una croce, quella che si fa ognuno per vincere i propri egoismi e affinché non ci siano disuguaglianze tanto crudeli tra noi». Egli ha saputo vedere e ha sperimentato nella sua stessa carne «l’egoismo che si nasconde in quanti non vogliono cedere ciò che è loro perché raggiunga gli altri». E, con cuore di padre, si è preoccupato delle “maggioranze povere”, chiedendo ai potenti di trasformare «le armi in falci per il lavoro».


Quanti hanno monsignor Romero come amico nella fede, quanti lo invocano come protettore e intercessore, quanti ammirano la sua figura, trovino in lui la forza e il coraggio per costruire il Regno di Dio e impegnarsi per un ordine sociale più equo e degno.


È il momento favorevole per una vera e propria riconciliazione nazionale dinanzi alle sfide che si affrontano oggi. Il Papa partecipa alle sue speranze, si unisce alle sue preghiere, affinché germogli il seme del martirio e si rafforzino negli autentici cammini i figli e le figlie di questa Nazione, che si gloria di portare il nome del divino Salvatore del mondo.


Caro fratello, ti chiedo, per favore, di pregare e di far pregare per me, mentre imparto la Benedizione Apostolica a tutti coloro che si uniscono in modi diversi alla celebrazione del nuovo Beato.






Dal Vaticano, 23 maggio 2015

Regina Caeli of Pope Francis

St. Peter'S Square
Sunday, May 24, 2015



Yesterday, in El Salvador and Kenya, were beatified a bishop and a nun. The first is Msgr. Oscar Romero, Archbishop of San Salvador, killed in hatred of the faith while celebrating the Eucharist. This zealous pastor, an example of Jesus, chose to be among his people, especially the poor and the oppressed, even at the cost of his life. The nun is Sister Irene Stefani, an Italian, of the Consolata Missionaries, who served the Kenyan people with joy, mercy and tender compassion. The heroic example of these blesseds inspire in each of us the fervent desire to witness to the Gospel with courage and self-sacrifice.

Regina Caeli del Papa Francisco

Fiesta de Pentecostés
Regina Coeli
Plaza de San Pedro
Domingo, 24 de mayo 2015



Ayer, en El Salvador y Kenia, se beatificó a un obispo y una monja. El primero es Mons. Óscar Romero, arzobispo de San Salvador, asesinado por odio a la fe durante la celebración de la Eucaristía. Este pastor celoso, al ejemplo de Jesús, eligió estar entre su gente, especialmente los pobres y los oprimidos, aun a costo de su vida. La monja es la hermana Irene Stefani, italiana, de las Misioneras de la Consolata, que sirvió al pueblo de Kenia con gozo, misericordia y tierna compasión. El ejemplo heroico de estos beatos inspira en cada uno de nosotros el ferviente deseo de testimoniar el Evangelio con valentía y abnegación.

Regina Coeli dal Papa Francesco

Piazza San Pietro
Domenica, 24 maggio 2015



Ieri, nel Salvador e in Kenia, sono stati proclamati Beati un Vescovo e una Suora. Il primo è Mons. Oscar Romero, Arcivescovo di San Salvador, ucciso in odio alla fede mentre stava celebrando l’Eucaristia. Questo zelante pastore, sull’esempio di Gesù, ha scelto di essere in mezzo al suo popolo, specialmente ai poveri e agli oppressi, anche a costo della vita. La Suora è suor Irene Stefani, italiana, delle Missionarie della Consolata, che ha servito la popolazione keniota con gioia, misericordia e tenera compassione. L’esempio eroico di questi Beati susciti in ciascuno di noi il vivo desiderio di testimoniare il Vangelo con coraggio e abnegazione.


Card. Amato’s Homily




Book of Wisdom 3, 1-9
Psalm 125, 1-2ab. 2cd-3. 4-5. 6 (R.: 5)
Romans 8, 31b-39
St. John 17, 11b-19

Dear brothers and sisters,


The beatification of Archbishop Romero, Bishop and martyr, is a celebration of joy and brotherhood. It is a gift of the Holy Spirit for the Church and for the noble nation of El Salvador. Speaking of his office of Bishop, St. Augustine said “the Gospel terrifies me. No one has wished for a safe and peaceful existence more than I have. Nothing is sweeter to me than to enjoy the divine treasure. Having instead to preach, to admonish, to correct, to edify, to turn myself over, is a great weight, a serious responsibility. It is a difficult task”. Indeed, for Augustine, as bishop, his reason for living turns into a passion for his faithful and his priests. And he asks the Lord to give him the strength to love heroically either through martyrdom or through affection. These words and these feelings could well have been spoken with the same intensity and sincerity by Archbishop Romero, who loved his faithful and his priests with affection and martyrdom, giving life as an offering of reconciliation and peace. As much is stated in the apostolic letter of beatification by Pope Francis when he says “Oscar Arnulfo Romero y Galdámez, Bishop and martyr, pastor according to the heart of Christ, evangelizer and father of the poor, heroic witness of the Kingdom of God, Kingdom of Justice, of fraternity, of peace”. [Applause.]


Today’s Bible readings give the meaning of Romero’s martyrdom. The word of God reminds us in fact that after the tragic death, the souls of the righteous are in the hands of God, and no torment can touch them. They are now, in peace and on the Day of Judgment they will shine as lights in the plain, they will govern nations and will have power over the peoples. The martyred Romero is therefore a light onto the nations and salt of the earth. If his persecutors have vanished in the shadow of oblivion and death, the memory of Romero on the other hand continues to live and gives comfort to the poor and the marginalized of the earth. [Applause.]


The Lord has done great things with the righteous who rightly can say with the Apostle Paul “who will separate us from the love of Christ? Perhaps tribulation, distress, persecution, famine, nakedness, danger, the sword? – no, nothing”. (Rom 8.) Neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor present, nor future, nor any other creature separated Romero from Christ and his Gospel of love, of justice, of fraternity, of mercy, of forgiveness. The words Jesus spoke before his passion when he entrusted his disciples to the father are very poignant. “Holy Father, keep them in your name. When I was with them, I kept them in your name and I kept them and none of them has been lost. I have given them your Word, and the world has hated them because they are not of the world as I am not of the world. I do not ask that you take them out of the world but that you keep them from the evil one”. (John 17.) This is the daily prayer that Romero made during the final tormented years of his life, until that fateful March 24, 1980 when a treacherous bullet fatally wounded him during the Eucharistic Celebration. His blood commingled with the redemptive blood of Christ. [Applause.]


Who was Romero? How did he prepare for martyrdom? Let's say first and foremost that Romero was a good priest, a wise Bishop, but mostly he was a virtuous man. He loved Jesus, he adored him in the Eucharist, he venerated the Virgin Mary, he loved the Church, he loved the Pope, he loved his people. Martyrdom was not an improvisation, but came after a long preparation. Romero, in fact, was like Abraham, a man of deep faith and unwavering hope. As a young seminarian in Rome, shortly before his ordination he wrote in his notes "this year will make my great surrender to God. My God, help me! Prepare me. You are everything; I am nothing. And yet, your love wants me to be much. Courage! With your all and my nothing we'll achieve much". A change... [Applause.]


A change in his life from gentle and almost shy pastor came with the murder of father Rutilio Grande, a priest... [Applause]. A Salvadoran Jesuit priest. He left teaching at the University to be the pastor of oppressed and marginalized farmers. This was the event that touched the heart of Archbishop Romero, who cried for his priest as a mother could do for her own son. He went quickly to Aguilares to offer the mass of suffrage, spending the night crying, watching and praying for the three innocent victims. For father Rutilio, and the two peasants who accompanied him. The peasants were now orphaned of their good father and Romero wished to take his post. [Applause.] In his homily, the Archbishop said "the liberation that Fr. Grande preached was inspired by faith. A faith that speaks to us of eternal life. The liberation that ends in the happiness of God. The liberation that comes from repentance from sin. The liberation that is founded on Christ, the only force of salvation". Here ends Romero. Since that day his language became more explicit in defending the oppressed people and persecuted priests, without worrying [about] the threats he received on a daily basis. Monsignor Romero spoke of a gift of the Holy Spirit which granted him a special pastoral fortitude, almost in contrast to his prudent and restrained temperament. He says "I considered ot a duty to place myself strongly in defense of my church and beside my people, so oppressed and despised". [Applause.]


Sister Luz Isabel, a religious Carmelite, present at the mass during which Romero was killed, testifies that that … the Archbishop told her "God leads me and he inspires me about what I say". And his words were not a provocation to hatred and revenge but a brave exhortation of a father to his divided children, who were invited to love, forgiveness, and concord. Gazing upon the beauty of nature and the splendor of the Salvadoran landscape, Romero used to say that the heaven started here on Earth. He looked at his beloved and tormented fatherland with hope in his heart. He dreamed that one day on the ruins of evil would have shone the glory of God and his love. His option for the poor was not ideological but Evangelical. [Applause.]


His charity... His charity extended also to his persecutors, to whom he preached conversion to the good and whom he assured forgiveness, notwithstanding everything. He was accustomed to be merciful. His generosity in giving to whoever asked was, according to witnesses, magnanimous, total, abundant. If someone asked, he gave.  He once said that if he could get back all the money he had distributed, he would have become a millionaire. Pastoral charity infused him with extraordinary strength. One day a he told a priest he was continually threatened with death and that the national newspapers published daily criticisms against him. But, with a smile, he continued, "this does not discourage me. On the contrary, I feel more brave because these are the risks of the pastor. I have to go forward. I do not bear a grudge to anyone". [Applause.]


Dear brothers and sisters, Romero – Blessed Romero – is another shining star that burns in the American spiritual firmament. He belongs to the holiness of the American Church. [Applause.] Thankfully, there are many saints of this wonderful continent. Pope Francis recently recalled some. In addition to Friar Junípero Serra, who will be canonized on September 23 in Washington, D.C., the Holy Father enumerated so many other Saints who have distinguished themselves with various charisms. Contemplatives such as Rosa of Lima. Pastors that emanated the perfume of Christ and the smell of sheep as Toribio de Mogrovejo, François de Laval, Rafael Guizar Valencia. Humble workers in the vineyard of the Lord such as Juan Diego and Kateri Tekakwitha. Servants of the needy such as Pedro Clavel, Martín de Porres, Damian Molokai, Alberto Hurtado. Founders of communities devoted to the service of God and the poor such as Francisca Cabrini, Elizabeth Ann Seton, Katerina Drexel. Tireless missionaries such as Fray Francisco Solano, José de Ancheta, Alonso de Barzana, María Antonia de Paz Figueroa, Jose Gabriel de Rosario Brochero. And finally martyrs such as Roque González, Miguel Pro and Óscar Arnulfo Romero. [Applause.] And the Holy Father, Pope Francis, said “there has been holiness in America, so much sown holiness”.


The blessed Oscar Romero belongs to this mighty wind of holiness that blow on the American continent, the land of love and faithfulness to the good news of the Gospel. The beatification today of Mgr. Romero is then a feast of joy, of peace, of brotherhood, of welcome, of forgiveness. Everyone has a need of these gifts of the holy spirit which make our earthly existence a real foretaste of the joy of paradise of. “Coraggio”, Archbishop Romero would say in Italian: “courage!” His martyrdom is a boon to El Salvador, to families, to young people, to children, to the poor. But also to the rich. In short, for everyone. For all who seek serenity, joy, and happiness. Romero is not a symbol of division, but of peace, of harmony, of fraternity. [Applause.] Let us bear his message in our hearts, in our homes, and give thanks to the Lord for this his faithful servant who gives the Church his holiness and to all humanity his kindness, his gentleness.


In 1983, Saint John Paul II stood before Romero’s tomb and exclaimed “Romero is ours”. It is true. Romero belongs to the Church, but... [Applause.] But he also enriches humanity. Which he dreamt of with a good heart, with thoughts of respect and harmony, with actions of welcome and mutual assistance. Romero is ours, but he also belongs to all because for everyone he is the Prophet of the love of God and love of neighbor and the custodian of the right consciousness of every person.


Blessed Oscar Romero, pray for us! [Applause.]